Hola Readers,

We’re halfway through May and we’ve already been ‘for the
birds’ and walking with fire. More of which later! 

Bold & Brave video series: It has launched eventually! The first video is with me, and I feel your pain! For all of our clients, yes, I’ve helped with scripts, reassured you when on camera, and encouraged you to do more pics / videos…but it’s challenging! Even for me.

We’re so used to being behind the camera that it’s totally out of our (my!) comfort zone but you have to push yourself. You may have already spotted my first video in the last newsletter where I speak about agency culture and how the client fit is so important. It’s titled ‘Have you ever sacked a client?’ 😊 Check it out here if you fancy a rewatch: https://youtu.be/-BX1Ipc17OU

Out latest video is from our Account Exe, Tara. We’ve said it time and time again, but imagery is so important. A picture paints a thousand words, and it’s never been more important than in today’s 8-second attention span world.

Why strong imagery matters in PR is Tara’s video and you can view it here:  https://youtu.be/Vz00IliQYhE

Walking with fire: Joanna and I headed off to the first Belfast Firewalk as organised by our client and friend, Jennie Wallace, Co-owner of Beyond Skin. Back in 2023, aged just 42, Jennie experienced a life-changing stroke. In the past year, with grit, determination and bravery, Jennie has been rebuilding her strength and confidence.

Back in February, I took a call from Jennie where she mentioned setting herself a goal of firewalking and organising a firewalk(!). I’m always super positive, and asked how we could help, and in true Jennie spirit, no sooner had I hung up, than a plan was hatched. 

Fast forward three months, and on Friday 3rd May, Joanna and I set off to support Jennie and the 70-strong registered firewalkers. We had the pleasure of donating pro bono PR support for the event and hoped the event would be a huge success.

Joanna was determined to Firewalk, and I was determined NOT TO Firewalk. Long story short, with much reassurance from fellow firewalkers (a very gentle way of saying I succumbed to peer pressure), my first-ever Firewalk is now complete. 

More importantly, Jennie achieved her goal, organised Belfast’s first-ever Firewalk and collectively raised over £10,000 for NI Chest Heart & Stoke. Bravo Jennie - we’re so proud of you! 

Hello Hello | You're visiting our new website!
Our new website has launched! Phew…I’m delighted. But why did we need a new site? Here’s why:

  • Last year, we commissioned comprehensive SEO training for RNN, and following this, it became evident that our old website would require extensive modifications to enable full SEO optimisation
  • A new site was a more cost-effective solution, and despite having worked hard on our old site’s content, it was time to grab the bull by the horns and start again
  • Just as we advocate with our clients, we choose to work with a specialist website developer who would guarantee a fully optimised SEO website.

We’re only at the start of this journey so I will keep you posted on performance, but my advice to you is to conduct an SEO audit of your site, understand the potential, and be bold enough to go again with a new website if your current website isn't up to the mark. It may cost now, but will save thousands in the future. 

Your PR score: A snazzy new edition of the new website is a 10-minute PR quiz that I’ve created and built into the homepage. 15 rapid-fire questions will help you to understand your business / organisation's readiness for PR.

If you know of anyone who is considering PR but unsure of their requirements, please do send on the RNN PR Radar as this will help in clarifying whether PR is required for the business.

You can take the quiz here:  https://rnncommunications.com/pr-quiz/?

And finally, away with the birds! That’s not just a phrase that the team mentions when I’m in the vicinity! Jill, Joanna and Sinead were actually away with the birds in May. Organising a press trip for 20 media and influencers to Rathlin Island on behalf of a client, the team were onboard to spot the famous puffins of Rathlin and they didn’t disappoint. Traveling with Kintra Tours, it’s well worth the visit. To book your trip to Rathlin, click here:   https://kintraboattours.co.uk/collections/boat-trips/products/puffins-lighthouses-and-seals-tour

Monthly Takeaways:

"The pace of change has never been this fast, and yet, it will never be this slow again.”

Justin Trudeau. How ‘trudeau’ Justin!

Biggest challenges:

  • Time: Finding the balance of achieving some downtime whilst still spinning multiple plates including the trials and tribulations of running a growing agency time for growth and learning, my passion for mentoring and other voluntary roles.
  • For one of my roles, I’ve had the draft resignation email ready to go for months. Something had to give, so eventually in early May, I resigned from a Board position that I’ve held for ten years. Ultimately, those involved were disappointed but understood, and for me, although I still love the organisation, there’s a relief in freeing up some headspace. 

- Judging Awards: I’ve judged both the PRCA Dare Awards and Belfast Telegraph Grocer Marketing Awards in the past month.

- New client win: An auction house, that’s auctioning…wait for it….a 7ft bronze crab! How f*!king fabulous!  Start saving now, the auction is live on 28th and 29th May. Oh how I would love that crab!

Thanks so much for reading.  You deserve a pat on the back for getting this far!
Yours in Comms,

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