In 2022, RNN Communications was tasked to raise awareness of the work of the Children’s Heartbeat Trust and to help launch Northern Ireland’s first children’s ambulance, which was commissioned by the charity and the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, with support from the Northern Ireland Specialist Transport and Retrieval Service (NISTAR).

The Brief

  • To raise the profile of the charity
  • Create an understanding of children’s heart conditions
  • Communicate how the new children’s ambulance will impact families
  • Inform the public of the charity’s commitment and investment in the children’s ambulance
  • Secure maximum coverage including at least one national TV feature

The Solution

  • RNN Communications conducted in-depth stakeholder mapping to create an extensive media strategy
  • RNN Communications worked alongside the charity to identify spokespeople including families from every county in Northern Ireland and matched the stories to the most relevant media
  • A launch press release alongside six regional-specific press releases were drafted, highlighting how the service will be of benefit to every county in Northern Ireland
  • RNN Communications pitched news to the media and facilitated a number of interviews on the day of the launch

The Outcome

  • Blanket broadcast coverage on launch day including news on all national radio bulletins and two TV features in the lunchtime and evening news on BBC and ITV
  • Across the board national and tabloid coverage, including a front page, supplemented by online articles across all major news media’s websites.
  • Coverage achieved outside of Northern Ireland – the Daily Mail, the Independent (UK) and the Irish Independent
  • Regional coverage in every county in Northern Ireland
  • Social media posts achieved an increase of 82% versus the previous 30 days’ engagement
  • Total organic social media views / likes of over 21,000
  • Total campaign reach of over five million

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