The Brief

With 18-35 year-olds now migrating their social media time and focus to TikTok, it was important for DFI Beds to establish a presence on the channel and grow its audience, with the eventual goal of driving sales for the website across Ireland.  An initial goal was set to reach 4,000 followers and 50,000 views in one year.

The Solution

In early January 2023, we set about establishing a TikTok strategy. The challenge was to create a content strategy and robust structure for delivery – but within a platform that’s relatively fluid and reactive. We tested the market with various content approaches that included celebrity collaboration, BTS footage, using trending templates and sounds and working with content creators. Social spend was crucial and we diverted all social media spend to TikTok to support the launch.  We consistently review the account and adapt our approach accordingly as features within the app are introduced and the algorithm evolves.

The Outcome

With one year, we have:

  • Reached over 5,000 followers
  • Received 20,000 likes across all videos
  • Top three videos:
    • 105,100 views / 1000 likes
    • 43,300 views / 500 likes
    • 41,400 views / 100 likes

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Team up with us to create a story that speaks to your audience, inspires them to act, and brings you real results.